State of Health North West 2023 — Press Pack

On 20 July 2023, Ritshidze will launch a detailed report into the state of the public healthcare system in the North West. The report will be presented to the North West Department of Health and other duty bearers at a community meeting in Mahikeng. The meeting will be live streamed on vimeofacebook and YouTube.

The report is based on the results of data collected through Ritshidze’s community-led monitoring of 28 facilities in the province. There is additional data from a snap survey of 72 additional facilities carried out by the Stop Stockouts Project, TAC and Ritshidze, as well as Ritshidze data collected through interviews with 1,826 key populations in the community.

This is the third edition of the North West State of Health report; the first was published in June 2021, and the second in July 2022. Data in this report were collected between April and May 2023. Like the earlier editions, the third edition identifies challenges that discourage people from going to the clinic for HIV, TB and other health services.

Ritshidze is a programme of the PLHIV Sector made up of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), National Association of People Living with HIV (NAPWA), Positive Action Campaign, Positive Women’s Network, the South African Network of Religious Leaders Living with HIV (SANERELA+).

You can follow @RitshidzeSA on twitter, facebook and instagram for regular updates.

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“Ritshidze” — meaning “Saving Our Lives” in TshiVenda — has been developed by people living with HIV and activists to hold the South African government and aid agencies accountable to improve overall HIV and TB service delivery.

Partner organisations include the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), the National Association of People Living with HIV (NAPWA), Positive Action Campaign, Positive Women’s Network (PWN) and the South African Network of Religious Leaders Living with and affected by HIV/AIDS (SANERELA+)—in alliance with Health Global Access Project (Health GAP), the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), and Georgetown University’s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law.

CLICK HERE to read more and see where we work.