On 26 September 2024, Ritshidze will launch a detailed report into the state of the public healthcare system in KwaZulu-Natal. Overall it is clear that KwaZulu-Natal is outperforming other provinces across several Ritshidze indicators — however there is still room for improvement in scaling up 3 month supply of ARVs, getting more people into pick-up points, and ensuring lubricants are made available. Critically there must also be a drastic improvement in the friendliness and availability of services for members of key populations. The full press release is here.
This is the fourth edition of the annual KwaZulu-Natal State of Health report. Data in this report were collected between July and August 2024 at 129 facilities in the province (65 in eThekwini, 11 in King Cetshwayo, 14 in Ugu, 14 in uMgungundlovu, 15 in uThukela, and 10 in Zululand). Surveys were carried out with 7,184 public healthcare users at the facility and 2,992 members of key populations in the community.
#KZNHealth #KeyPopsHealth
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