On 21 November 2023, Ritshidze will launch a detailed report into the state of the public healthcare system in Gauteng. Ritshidze data from three districts in the report will be presented to the department of health and other duty bearers at three district-level community meetings during the week. The Ekurhuleni meeting will be live streamed here: vimeo, facebook and YouTube, the City of Tshwane meeting will be live streamed here: vimeo, facebook and YouTube, and the Johannesburg meeting will be lived streamed here: vimeo, facebook and YouTube.
The report is based on the results of data collected through Ritshidze’s community-led monitoring of 128 facilities in the province together with additional data collected through interviews with 1,651 key populations in the community.
This is the fourth edition of the Gauteng State of Health report; the first was published in December 2020, second in November 2021, and the third in January 2023. Data in this report were collected between July and August 2023. While some improvement has been made, it’s evident that there are still too many shortcomings in the provincial health system, including high numbers of unfilled vacancies, long waiting times, and overburdened staff with, at times, dismissive and uncaring attitudes.
Ritshidze is a programme of the PLHIV Sector made up of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), National Association of People Living with HIV (NAPWA), Positive Action Campaign, Positive Women’s Network, the South African Network of Religious Leaders Living with HIV (SANERELA+).
You can follow @RitshidzeSA on twitter, facebook and instagram for regular updates or go to www.ritshidze.org.za for more information.
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Gauteng State of Health summary reportGET PDF
Gauteng State of Health recommended solutionsGET PDF
Gauteng State of Health presentationGET PDF
Ekurhuleni State of Health presentationGET PDF
City of Tshwane State of Health presentationGET PDF
Johannesburg State of Health presentationGET PDF
Gauteng State of Health media alertGET PDF
Programme Ekurhuleni community meeting GET PDF
Programme City of Tshwane community meeting GET PDF
Programme Johannesburg community meeting GET PDF