The observation survey assesses the functionality of the clinic based on space, condition & cleanliness, availability of condoms & lubricants, & whether relevant posters are visibly on display.
Patient Survey
The patient survey assesses waiting times, staffing, staff attitudes, stockouts, TB infection control. For PLHIV we assess ARV refill length, service quality, privacy & confidentiality, & viral load understanding.
Facility Manager Survey (Long)
The Facility Manager survey assesses facility manager perspectives about staffing, infrastructure & space, HIV linkage & retention, TB services, & programmes that target key populations, youth & men.
Ritshidze Activist Guide 2020
The Ritshidze Activist Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct community-led clinic monitoring in South Africa.
Medicines Survey
The medicines survey assesses the frequency and type of stockouts and/or shortages of medicines, vaccines, and dry stock at the clinic.
Ritshidze Project to monitor HIV services in 400 clinics across SA
The theme of this year’s World AIDS Day is “Communities make the difference”, an idea that underpins a new model of community-led clinic monitoring in South Africa — “Ritshidze” has been developed by people living with HIV and activists to hold both the South African government and international donors accountable to improve overall HIV and TB service delivery.